Case Study 4:

Complex anatomy and surgical apicectomy

This patient was experiencing on-going problems with two of his teeth. Both teeth had been previously root filled but never truly settled. The patient had been prescribed several courses of antibiotics but this only helped temporarily. Following a recommendation the patient came to see us.

Our Treatment:
It was explained that the problem associated with the upper tooth would most likely require a surgical intervention as it was highly likely that there was a cyst present. Consequently the option of extraction and replacement with a dental implant was explored. Owing to the extent of bone damage associated with the upper tooth, replacement with a dental implant would have required a bone augmentation procedure and so it was decided it was best to try and regenerate the bone through non-surgical and surgical endodontics.
Treatment was initiated by first revising the previous root filling and subsequently an apicectomy procedure was carried out.
The lower tooth had a rare anatomical variation with the main root canal bifurcating in the apical third. Owing to the canal complexity the previous operator had fractured a file. The file was successfully removed and the endodontic treatment completed.

At the most recent review there was excellent evidence of healing – Awaiting images.



